Did you know that cooking food to its’ required minimum
internal temperature is the only way to reduce the amount of bacteria in food
items? The minimum temperature changes
based on what item you are preparing; having an accurate thermometer keeps you
and your family safe from harm!
Below are some common items with the
correct temperatures to reach for at least 15 seconds:
Ground Beef, Pork & other ground meats: 155⁰ F
Steaks: 145⁰ F
Poultry: 165⁰ F
Fish: 145⁰ F
Veal & Lamb: 145⁰ F
can be reduced per request, example: ordering a Rare Steak
is just one factor for staying clear of foodborne illnesses.
important factors include: hand-washing, not cross-contaminating, using
clean surfaces, cutting boards and utensils during preparation and properly
covering and storing food after cooked.
these tips in mind to keep you, your friends and family safe this summer!