Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Make it a Stress Free Holiday!

Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season!

It’s that time of year again…Holiday Season!  Try out these tips to make your family and Holiday parties as stress free as possible:

 v Plan:

§  List out meal ideas in advance
§  Make grocery list and plan when to go
§  Prep food in advance to make preparing the dish a snap
§  Limit options to keep things simple!

§  Clean in advance:
§  Make appropriate schedule to avoid scrambling!

 v Delegate:
§  Don’t try to do it all yourself!
§  Ask other guests to bring a dish
§  Let someone be in charge of drinks and trash, important details that often get overlooked!
§  When someone offers to help, let them!

 v Prioritize:
§  Make a list of what’s important to you and your holiday and try to make that your focus

 v Set up decorations and table the week and night before

 v Have activities for kids ready in advance; coloring books, holiday puzzles and movies to avoid them getting ‘bored’

 v Keep an ‘attitude of gratitude’ and don’t sweat the small stuff so you can enjoy the time with friends and family!

We can help you relieve some stress by:
Letting us do the work for you!

Party trays, desserts, and main dishes can all be made to meet your needs!

Check out our brochures today for all of your options!